Sunday, January 18, 2015

7) Why do you think organizations should develop their own information technology project management methodologies? Why can’t they just follow a book or a methodology that has already been developed?

I think organizations should develop their own information technology project methodologies because every project is different and require different procedures, time management and steps to complete a project. If organizations followed a book or methodolgies that have already been developed, it may not follow accurate procedures needed to complete their particular project correctly.


  1. Yeah that's right, every organization has different needs, and if an organization has their own then they own methodologies, their project managers will be able to better cater those needs.

  2. I agree every organization have there different wants and goals they want to achieve. By following a book I don't think they would be able to accomplish they goals

  3. I agree with your answer. Being innovative is what makes organizations reach beyond the stars.
